martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

Record the video clip

Hi!!! Are you exited?? Because I am!!

I have to recon that it was reeeeeally hard to record the video clip....

As I told you we wanted to start with a videocall.... Well, we tried many different apps.. First, the very well-known Skype but one of us (the one recording) appeared in a small circule and we wanted to appear in a square with the same size.... Then we thought that maybe Whatsapp could be an option but when we wanted to record the screen I could only record my voice but not my friends' voices... Well... You can imagine how stressful was the situation... Finally, after many attempts, we tried Zoom and it was perfect!! Before recording we revised when we needed to talk and what we were going to say, some different ways to introduce eachother, etc.

Once we had the introduction, it was time to record our individual part. I was going to be Frida Kahlo, so I needed to create some flower with tissue paper and pint my famous eyebrow 😜. I used TouchCast Studio with my ipad to record the video since I could change the background directly. My brother was recording me and I can't remember how many times I did repite the same part once and again (I will pay a coke for him when we can go to a bar).

In order to put all the parts together we used imove which is a quite simple app where you just drag the elements and you can add sounds, music and different effects and, also, modify the volume.

Finally, we uploaded the video in Youtube to show it to you!

And this was the result!!

To finish with I would like to share with you a short reflection about recording a videoclip... I think it is totally worth the hard work and the effort... Students will enjoy seeing their teachers in a video and how they enjoy and customize themselves... It is really motivating, not only for student but for us as well. I really enjoyed doing this with my friends.

I recommend everyone to try this and play the videoclip in class, for sure the students' reaction will be shoking!

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